
Star of Fevered Glow

05 October 2024

In a distant part of space, there was a star.
A dazzling one, warming up the wandering lights.

Itself could never feel warm, its core entrapped in a shattering cold.

Dear star, you who are so cold, why would you give the world your dearest glow?

Drifting star, it said. I am blind to my light, but I can touch you.

For you who enjoys my warmth, let me tell you.

Should you need me, my blaze will shelter you, and should you get lost I will shine, for a star's path lies far away from me.

The frigid cracks in my deepest point, frozen in time, the untouched belief that heat I shall never know.

World be my witness. Ice, keeper of truth. To break this ice, and regain sight.

I will flood the world with color, and perhaps then, will radiance pierce through me.